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+254777675710 info@shalomsafaris.com


Experience East Africa

East Africa, Tanzania and Kenya specifically, is globally renowned for Safari, Kilimanjaro, Swahili culture and the Indian Ocean islands of the Swahili Coast. Each destination offers a number of popular tours, activities and experiences designed by their operators to give the traveler an opportunity to be indulged by what the region has to offer.

Activities are classified according to interest; adrenalin, adventure, sea, mountains, culture, history, safari. Many of these categories are further broken down to enable our customers the best chance of identifying what may interest you, or indeed to find the one tour that gives you a firm idea is what you want.


Burundi’s geographical position has given it the name of the “Heart of Africa”. The Congo Nile Divide north of the country shares the same mountainous geography as Rwanda. To the south are tropical sandy beaches, perfect for admiring the Blue Mountains of the Congo, on the opposite side of Lake Tanganyika.

This tiny country boasts 690 bird species (including Albertine Rift endemics), national parks of Sitatunga antelope, hippos and crocodiles; cascading waterfalls and some of the best drummers in Africa.


A Rwanda adventure tour introduces visitors to a country prospering despite its tragic past. The Rwandan genocide saw 800,000 people killed in just 100 days. This atrocity to humankind was sparked by the assassination of the Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana.

We offer a visit the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre, a powerful tribute to those who perished. Today Rwanda is referred to as the ‘land of a thousand Hills’ and is known throughout Africa for its stunning scenery.


Uganda is not well known as a safari destination often losing out to its more famous neighbors – Kenya and Tanzania. Yet equatorial Uganda has an incredible biodiversity and much to offer the wildlife traveler. In contrast to Africa’s more famous wildlife destinations, Uganda is lush, green and fertile. This compact landlocked country is making a remarkable recovery from its troubled past and is set to become a world class safari destination.


Tanzania’s extensive Indian Ocean coastline, Shalom Safaris offers travelers the opportunity to choose from many tropical beach destinations in both mainland Tanzania and the islands of Zanzibar.

Although the most obvious attractions are the idyllic white sand beaches and world-class scuba diving, Tanzania’s most historic towns and museums are also located on the coast. The coastal culture is distinct from the Arusha and Kilimanjaro cultures, and we highly recommend a visit to Swahili settlements like Stone Town.


The three reserves of Tsavo East, Tsavo West and Chyulu Hills cover an enormous tract of land in southern Kenya. The main Nairobi to Mombasa road and railway splits Tsavo East and West right down the middle, which neatly cuts the parks into two.